5 skincare routine You Should Try after shower in Winter

5 skincare routine You Should Try after shower in Winter

Jan 05, 2024Lubeni Pharmacy

Winter brings with it a unique set of challenges, especially for those who suffer from dry skin. As a pharmacist at Lubeni Pharmacy, my goal is to provide valuable information to our potential customers – women seeking effective post-shower skin hydration during the colder months. In this blog, I will address frequently asked questions, highlight common mistakes, and offer concrete ideas and strategies to prevent dry skin after showering in winter.


Frequently Asked Questions for Post-Shower Skin Hydration:

1. How soon after a shower should I apply moisturizer in winter?

It is recommended to apply moisturizer immediately after showering to lock in the moisture and prevent your skin from drying out.

2. Can I use the same moisturizer year-round after showering?

While it may be tempting to stick with your favorite moisturizer, it's essential to switch to a richer, more hydrating formula during winter. Look for ingredients like shea butter and hyaluronic acid for added post-shower moisture.

    3. Is it necessary to use a specific post-shower moisturizer for different parts of the body?

    Yes, different areas of your body may have varying moisture needs after a shower. Consider using a thicker body butter for elbows, knees, and heels, while opting for a lighter lotion for the rest of your body. 


    Common Mistakes in Post-Shower Skin Hydration During Winter:

    1. Waiting too long to apply moisturizer after a shower:

    The longer you wait, the more moisture your skin loses. Apply moisturizer promptly after a shower to lock in hydration and prevent post-shower dryness.

      2. Using hot water for post-shower routines.

      Hot water can strip your skin of natural oils, contributing to dryness. Opt for lukewarm water in your post-shower routine to help maintain your skin's natural moisture.

      3. Neglecting post-shower exfoliation:

      Exfoliating after a shower helps remove dead skin cells, allowing your post-shower moisturizer to penetrate better. Include a gentle exfoliation routine 1-2 times a week for smoother, more hydrated skin. 



      So then what kind of skin routine is better in Winter?Here is our suggestion.

      1. Keep a moisturizer within reach.

      Place a moisturizer in your bathroom to make it easy to apply right after your shower. This ensures immediate hydration.

      2. Use post-shower oils:

      Consider incorporating post-shower oils for intense hydration. Apply them on damp skin for better absorption.

      3. Pat dry instead of rubbing:

      After a shower, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing vigorously to retain more moisture before applying your post-shower moisturizer.

      4. Customize your post-shower routine.

      Tailor your post-shower routine based on your skin's needs. Focus on drier areas that may require extra attention.

      5. Seal in moisture with a final cold rinse:

      Finish your shower with a quick cold rinse to seal in moisture and leave your skin feeling refreshed.



      Taking care of your skin in winter requires a thoughtful post-shower approach. By avoiding common mistakes and implementing the right strategies, you can maintain soft and hydrated skin throughout the colder months. Remember, the key is consistency – make post-shower skin hydration during winter a non-negotiable part of your routine. Your skin will thank you!

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